How to obtain a long stay Visa ?

Isabelle Paris/ May 19, 2018/ Long stay visa, Visa France App news/ 0 comments

To come in France, it is necessary to be either  from the Schengen area which includes 26 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.
Or to have a Visa to go in the French territory. There are several adapted at various needs, we will detail the long stay Visa for France

Characteristics of the long stay Visa

The long stay Visa addresses the people who want to go in the French territory for a period of more than 3 months. There is various reasons and that is why there are different Visas. We find 4 long stay Visas :

For any additional information on long stay Visas in France, download the Visa France application.

Request file constitution

The steps to complete and put back your file differ according to the wanted Visa. For the employee, student and French ascending Visas, there are stages which come before the entrance to France and others later. Whereas the procedure is shorter for a sick foreigner Visa.

The wanted administrative documents vary according to the request and certain lists of documents are more updated regularly. You will find classic documents asked for all the Visas and even more precise certificates for some situations…

Specificity of requests

Long stay Visa applications are subjected to diverse reflections before being accepted. The request has to be thinks and worked before being deposited. For example for a employee Visa, one of the important criteria is to look at the state of the wanted labor market. For the students, it will be necessary to present a convincing project and documents giving evidence of your skills…

For any additional information on long stay Visas in France, download the Visa France application.

Deposit of the request

The request file has to be handed to the closest French embassy or consulate from your home. To know where to deposit your request file, you can go on the map of French embassies and consulates abroad. Thanks to this map, you can inquire about the current regulations in every embassy because they change and are not the same everywhere.

Furthermore, for some requests, France outsourced the treatment to the company TLScontact. It will then be asked to you to join on the site You can follow in particular the progress of the treatment of the file

Delivery and refusal

The treatment of a file of visa application takes between 1 and 2 months following your country of residence. There are various motivations of refusal which can come into play, in particular the security of the State. If your request is refused, you will receive the decision by mail or personally. But the refusal can be implicit if you don’t have answer once the deadline has passed.

If on the contrary your request is accepted, you will receive an answer by phone or email and you will have to go at the embassy to take your Visa

For any additional information on long stay Visas in France, download the Visa France application.

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