How to obtain a short stay Visa for tourism?

Isabelle Paris/ May 11, 2018/ Short stay visa, Visa France App news/ 0 comments

To be able to circulate free and legally in France, it is necessary to be European, or to be equipped with a Visa. There are several types, adapted to the various possible visits. If you are a member of the Schengen area, you already have the authorization to circulate free on the European territory with a simple presentation of an ID card. The Schengen area count 26 member states : Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Nevertheless, according to your nationality and the type of your passport, you can be exempted from Visa

Characteristics of the short stay Visa for tourism

As a tourist visit, an authorization is adapted to it : the Visa for tourism. This Visa allows you to stay in a country of the Schengen area for a duration from 1 to 90 days. The right of way is valid for one person, it will be necessary to do several for a collective group for example.

This Visa is single-use because when you leave the Schengen area, the validity expires even if 90 days are not sold yet. It is necessary to know in advance your actions if you leave the space and want to return there a short time later…

Supporting documents requested

To fill your visa application, you will find various forms with one available free in the Visa application France but it is also possible to use the other that are supplied by the embassy or the consulate. Besides the form, you will have to supply some required documents. These documents needs to be original with a game of photocopies. Furthermore, documents have to be in French or then have to have an official translation in this language.

Attention: documents have to be submitted in a precise order.

For a short stay Visa for tourism, the basic administratie records of any visa application must be presented, there is 7 in all of whom the form of Visa. The list of documents is available on the Visa application France to help you for your obtaining of authorization of visit of the Schengen area. Documents asked are classic because we find passport photos, a passport or a documentary evidence concerning the family situation. It will need only these 7 documents to end in a Visa of short stay of tourism

Deposit of the request

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the TLScontact company to take care of visa applications deposited in embassies and French consulates abroad, it is necessary to create you an account on if you are from of one of the following 14 countries: Algeria, Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Gabon, Indonesia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Morocco, Thailand, Tunisia, Great Britain, Uzbekistan or Vietnam.

Depending to embassies or consulates, it is necessary to inform you directly to the organization. To find the embassy or the consulate the closest to you, go to the map of embassies and French consulates abroad…

Delivery and refusal

Visas can be refused to certain people, in particular for any consideration holding(liking) the safety of the State.

For the delivery of a Visa, it is necessary to consider between 1 in 2 months depending countries and if the decision is positive, it is brought by telephone or email…

For any other information relative to the Visas of stay, download the France Visa application.

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